What do technology, sustainability and fashion have in common?

Fashion Musa
4 min readSep 25, 2020

Una terra. The main intention of the Una Terra brand is to create stylish, matching streetwear for dogs and their owners. They recycle second-hand materials and utilize sustainable fabrics in the production of their productsIn Una Terra, they combine conscious consumption and fashion, in order to protect animals and the earth. A dog is a family member, and they emphasize this through their Family Look style.

What is one thing that you want customers to know about you and/or your brand? “Una Terra” means One Earth in Italian. We must integrate into the ecosystem to become part of it.

Unisex Waterproof Jacket from Una Terra, £230.00

The sustainability path

Everyone has his/her own way of conscious consumption, and I am sure that many of you are already realize the scale of the problem.I also had my own way. Prior to creating Una Terra, I worked as a marketing manager for Microsoft and as a COO for EdTech. At the same time, I supported homeless pets: I fed, cured and found new owners for them. For the last ten years, I helped 100 street dogs and cats. I gave a home to 3 dogs and 4 cats from the street. I didn’t tell anyone about this, I didn’t post this information on Facebook, and nobody made TV programs about me. I did this for one reason — I love animals and the Earth. Then I decided that I should devote all my time to taking care of the Earth and the environment. After all, my child lives here too. Thus, I left my position at Microsoft and decided to create some kind of business. At first, I did not know what business to launch, but then I realized that I have to do what I love. In such a way, Una Terra brand of human and pets’ clothing was born.

Unisex Waterproof Jacket from Una Terra, £230.00

The tech

The fashion industry has been the latest industry to adopt the incredible powers of digital technology. The industry’s new pride and joy, 3D design simulation software allows customers to create virtual avatars and use them to model and fit clothes. This concept was first used in gaming where players could customise their character with different outfits. In a similar way, customers may now scan their body (with clothes on) to create their avatar which they can use to virtually try on the latest fashion pieces from their favourite brands. This solves one of the final advantages of physical store shopping. The ability to see your body in the clothes you want from the comfort of your own home, on the train or even at work. This type of technology is poised to revolutionise the way we shop online. One of the largest providers of this cutting-edge software is CLO3D. This company has been working non-stop for the past 10 years to develop an advanced program with real life graphics, fabric textures and colour tones. This company is also spearheading the way that clothes fit. By implementing more specific measurements, they aim to determine the perfect fit for each piece of clothing. This technology will also help reduce the amount of returns you will have to make when online shopping.

Unisex Waterproof Vest from Una Terra, £120.00

People pollute and destroy the environment with the unconscious consumption of items, including clothing. Every year, the world produces 150 billion units of clothing for the population of 7.7 billion people.People throw clothes like garbage and pollute the planet. If in the 1960s humanity produced 1.76 million tons of textile waste, in 2015 this figure increased up to 16 million tons. This trend shows that the amount of textile waste increased by 811% during half of a century. After all, we have only one Earth. We are a small company, and we are unlikely to be able to change the world alone. However, we are convinced that it is better to do small steps towards a cleaner environment than do nothing. And we also believe that we can change the world together.

Find the whole sustainable collection of Una Terra on Fashion Musa (www.fashionmusa.com)



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